Walking: Weight Loss Motivation: Lose Weight, Burn Fat & Increase Metabolism (Walking, Walking to Lose Weight, Walking For Weight Loss, Workout Plan, Burn Fat, Lose Weight)Walking: Weight Loss Motivation: Lose Weight, Burn Fat & Increase Metabolism by April Stride

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As Spring showers and breezes swirl their way into our lives, I am getting excited about getting outside and back on the walks that I took when I first got to this town. With no car and no door-to-door mail, walking is necessary. But during the colder parts of the Winter, when my fibro reared its ugly head my walks faded into the background. And I am in no way ready for 5-mile round trips. So I thought this book would be a good place for inspiration.

It was. It was a quick read. It was clearly written with motivation blooming from every page. It didn’t assume that the reader was either physically fit or couch potato. It covered a comprehensive, step-by-step method to get everyone out and walking, whether for pleasure or extreme sports (marathons).

What was missing and what I was hoping to find were illustrations of stretches and other exercises for warm-ups and cool-downs. The author did include verbal instructions, but I needed to see. I’m a visual learner and, well, a picture is worth a thousand –well, you know the saying.

I plan to keep this book downloaded on my devices so that I can refer back quickly as I get back into the routine.

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