Never EverNever Ever by Gita V. Reddy

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this story! Sure there are other stories featuring the importance of communication in relationships out there even those heading for possible divorce. But this one is unique with the wife being hearing-impaired. And this is an Indian couple trying to cope with modern societal implications.

Letting the reader see the thoughts of both the husband and the wife as the navigated these rough waters gave insight to how both sexes feel once the D-word is mentioned in the home. All the insecurities are brought to light.

I hope this isn’t considered a spoiler but the best concept brought up was how we have blood relatives that we can’t divorce, and how we wouldn’t think of cutting them out of our lives, yet here is someone we have chosen to give our lives to and the Big D comes up? Great concept to include!

A little side: I loved how the author took the time to educate the reader on the Indian words or meals. It was thrown in close to the part of the story it was in so that we weren’t left wondering what was being said.

As often as it is mentioned in this book, I kind of wished that there were recipes at the end of the book of the “daily” foods and preparations. And possibly those that many of the Indian Women freeze.

The acknowledgment of how the stay at home mother is forced to re-think her life choices when faced with divorce was a good thing to mention. It is something all potentially divorced women have been forced to look at. Indian or otherwise. It is sad that the stay at home mother isn’t valued more. But that is a problem modern women face. To find out that all those years doing their best to care for children and home are worthless in their retirement is another slap in the face of the divorced woman.

Anyway, this is a short book and has many gems built in. I almost wish I had been able to read prequels to this story, how they met and their growing relationship and the years after recommitment. That is how well the character development was in this book. I love the couple and want to know more.

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