Archive for March 14, 2017

The Rules Do Not ApplyThe Rules Do Not Apply by Ariel Levy

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As a fan of fiction more than any other kind of reading, it is alway hard for me to “grade” an autobiography. It isn’t up to me to judge another’s life or path, so I feel I am invading a bit when it is time to review. Yet this book called to me from NetGalley as one I might like to read and review.

I have to admit it kept my interest. Many reviewers say the author’s emotions are raw in this memoir. That may be so. I just found them honest and refreshing. As a fertile-Myrtle, who had, as most of my generation, my children in my early twenties, I never heard that egg-timer to get pregnant or forget it. I thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice to have another?” and boom I was pregnant. So the despair of the author seems another reality I’ve not been close to. In that case, I think it right to go into the depth with her and see what her reality has been. Would my story of a baby every couple years and only at home ever be as interesting to her generation? So I find her lucky to have experienced so many things I never got to see. That she had the freedom to explore her sexuality after being an adult, who got to see the world I may never see, isn’t sad. Those were the parts of the story I truly enjoyed.

But I don’t want to demean or in any way put down her path and especially not the sad parts of it. That need to reproduce is very strong in many of us and to have that turn out so badly hurts my soul for her.

That is why I like to read autobiographies. I can lead many lives that way. I can see how things might have been had I made other choices or had nature played nasty tricks on my life. I think it helps to develop empathy to read another’s story. And this may be one you might like. Give it a try.

View all my reviews

With Donated yarn I made:


They are a size or two bigger than I can wear but even bigger people than me have cold feet.


A cat smaller than a mouse.

Then while talking to my friends on Google Hang-out today I made kitty a friend:


The Pattern and YouTube for the Slipper Socks are on this LoomAHat page. The Tiny Cat is here. Both of these patterns are easy, fast, and fun!


Hey, MommaDar! Come down and walk with me. You have on your clunky Crocs so you’ll be okay.


I see spring all around. But do you smell that?


I think it is the dog in the sky. I think I smell that wet stuff.


And the same stuff over there.


And do you guys know what MommaDar said to me? She said that wet stuff is called rain. And rain is what makes this:


She calls weeds, I call grass and I like it to chew.


That turns into this which makes MommaDar A-choo!


But the buds on these trees, especially the little apple tree makes her happy. So the Wet Stuff can come help us. Thanks for walking with me!


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