Archive for March 25, 2017


Stream of Consciousness Saturday is brought to us by Linda G Hill. The prompt today is march to be used in any way.











Oops–Sunglasses–went back–check



Forgot Water!

I didn’t realize I forgot those last three until a mile in. We just marched on. Kali quite proud to get to lead the way. We both wimped a little at the corner house with the three barking dogs. Kept a short leash and only a few whines and “Sh’s” but once past I let her lead the way. She knew where she was going and remembered her favorite marked spots.

When we got to the next big street she decided to turn. We hadn’t gone down that dirt street before so it was an adventure for both of us.


See that haybarn? That’s where we were at this point. WAY OVER THERE!


I was worried that we would meet up with loose dogs. In fact, I thought I saw one ahead. That’s when I realized I only had on sunglasses. Got closer and realized it was a Jack Rabbit. Duh! Now Kali was aware! We have great things to chase here! I told her we don’t chase them, they are bigger than she is!


Seeing the rabbit seemed to give Kali a boost. She gave off a more confident air and marched with her head raised. Even though we were the next official street over we could see the back of our house. That’s when I noticed I didn’t have my cell with me. I kind of wanted to call and tell Hubby to look out the window to wave, but alas!

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We got to the next street sign. I couldn’t read it until on top of it. Then I saw that the sign had worn out so that only a bit of the word showed up. But in the faded background, I saw the whole name. I knew this street went straight through to my own. I also knew it connected close to a house with a loose dog. Gulp.

What I didn’t know was there are two homes between where we were and where we needed to go. Gulp number two. What if there were other loose dogs?

Safely by the two nice homes with nice little fences and no barking dogs, we got to the corner of our street. Now my biggest fear: DOG HOUSE! Luckily said dog didn’t come out to either greet me as has been in my experience in pre-Kali days, nor was that dog sitting outside. We got past that house with a bit of a ‘whew’ when from across the street we heard barking. I pulled the leash close and said, “Heel!” Kali stayed close. Dog didn’t come out. We were safe. I call that house (across from ‘dog house’) Statue House because there is a statue of a frontier guy in that yard. I don’t know the people of either house but I like their unique yards.

Now safe I told Kali to take us HOME. She smelled her marked spots and led us straight here. I pulled out a treat. She smelled it but didn’t take it. She just Marched to the back porch and into the house. As soon as I took off her walking garb I offered her the treat again and she took it to her bed and enjoyed the heck out of it.

Though a little tired, I marched into my room proudly to see if I couldn’t figure out how far we went. Are you ready for this? 2.3 miles! Yay! I know. It isn’t like those 6-8 mile trips we took last year but I am still alive after this walk. Those walks KILLED me. I think if I work up to it I will find those walks more fun. Especially with Kali!


She’s pooped!

An hour later?


Me:  Wanna go for a walk?

Her:  Again? Nah, that ‘s okay you go ahead. I’ll wait right here. Yawn!


Hey, quit judging! Retired/folks on disability like Fridays, too. No, it isn’t the relief you worker bees find. But there is a rhythm to our quieter lives. Friday starts with alarm in my house. Usually, me, worried about getting the trash out to the curb on time. Like this morning.

Last week we were still asleep at 11 AM. With hubby’s shoulder pain and my fibro pain, sleep is hard to come by. So when I woke I knew they had already come. They usually get here while we’re watching the View. Good thing we recorded it. I took out the trash hoping this would be a late week for them. Nah.

So this week we had two weeks of trash to get rid of. I was up at 8. Hubby was still asleep. I think my brother was, too. He’s the only working one and has to keep regular hours, so when hubby’s and my non-sleeping take over, bro suffers. So I felt chosen to do the job. It isn’t impossible and Kali loves it very much. She is so good as when I actually leave the yard to put the can to what would be a curb if we had non-dirt streets, she stays right in our yard and waits for me.

That over I could relax. Make my breakfast yam and tea, then settle with the morning line up. The truck came right on time and took the extra bag. For three people we make a lot of trash!

I am not one of those people who thinks television is evil or a waste of time. It is cheaper than any pill a doctor could give me for pain. I can get lost in a good science show or news show or drama. My writing needs to see the results of other people’s writing. My favorite shows are on Thursday. Yes, the Shonda Rhimes line up has been my favs for a long time. When I was working I knew when those shows were on that I was nearly done with my week. Now I just see them as too far apart. Especially with the cliffhangers of last night. Grey’s sister’s mom is dying of cancer!!! Then on Scandal: HUCK!!!!!! NO!!!

Oh, yeah, concentrating on Friday. The last day of patterned TV: Maybe Kelly (I hate that all morning programs are centered in New York!) But I can’t resist Whoopi and the View. Then the local news–mostly to see what our neighbors’ weather will be like. An hour of who knows? cause I’m busy then. The finally a west coast show, the Talk. Another hour of ‘I don’t know,’ as I’m busy. Then the MSNBC line up, except for Chris Matthews as he yells at everyone and isn’t respectful to his guests. But with Greta, we can play her show during his. Then the evening changes day by day.

Monday is Scorpion for sure. I am in awe of the writers of that show. They have a pat routine to their show: clever jokes, on edge of your seat scary (last weeks’ tram scene had me sweating!) and resolve to light bantering again. How do they suck me in? I know it isn’t real. I know how it is going to work. Yet I am drawn in from the beginning of each show. I don’t usually like formulaic writing.

In the evenings I am so busy with my Duolingo and then catching up on blogs and social stuff and ‘researches’ that I’m not a good remote holder. Hubby takes that job and so I am never sure which show, except for those mentioned above. But other shows are: Blindspot, Bones, Taboo, Startalk, Librarians, The Last Ship, Designated Survivor, Chicago Med, (Almost any Medical Drama). Humans, Expanse, Chicago Fire, –and the list goes on and on as some show go on hiatus and others come back. Most of them are in the background for me. I don’t pay close attention. I’m usually reading, knitting, researching, doing email or FaceBooking. My kids will tell you I’ve always been a non-watcher. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “You were watching it, Mom. Don’t you remember?” even hubby tells me I saw this before. Mostly it is noise to keep me distracted should the things I’m working on not do the trick.

Anyway, those are the basics of the evening shows. We used to stay up and watch Craig Ferguson but since he left we turn the TV off about the time for the noisy late-night guys.

But weekends! We start with Joy but if she is too much of the T-word we move on. We have recorded masses of Dr. Pol and Dr.Jeff or Alaska the Last Frontier or other shows that are similar. If none of those work, a good disaster movie or syfy or animal show will hold that background for me. And the occasional Project Runway.

Sundays are best. Why? Game of Thrones (when it’s finally on) Shameless, Elementary, Secretary of State, and Walking Dead and Talking Dead. Those last two are nearly exclusively mine. Hubby tolerates them. But I love the character development and watching how folks survive certain situations. Talking Dead, cause I love learning how stories are made, behind the scenes and meeting the actors as people and what they bring to a role. And I like Chris Hardwick.

We tend to watch our DVDs or Netflix or the like on the weekend our favorites being Pirates of the Caribbeans Avatar, Independence Day and the like. I could watch these a million times and always notice something new. And I like the music of these shows. Or binging on GoT. That music gets me, too.

But these shows on the weekend hold more of my attention. So I feel healthier. Does that make sense? It’s like I need a lot of animal, nature type things to ground me then exciting music. Just listening to music doesn’t work for me. As a music major, I get involved. Where’s it going? How did they do that? I wonder if I could play that. So I need a show to keep me in the room involved with the writing and characters while knitting and computing.

Do you have a TV diet/routine?


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