Archive for April 30, 2017

What better thing to begin with the letter Z than Zoo. Here are current pictures of mine:

kali and teddy

Kali and Teddy on the day I went to Hugger Hats, taken by Hubby-AKA Pet Sitter.


Remember those little tiny chicks and turkeys? Yeah, I can’t pick up the turkeys anymore they are getting too big for me. The chickens never got brave enough to be picked up. The Turkeys try to get me to pet them and are so curious that they will pick on my cell phone as I try to take pictures. Bro is gathering materials to make the portable coop.


Kali wants to know when Kali can play with the fowl!


One tired Teddy-cat.

tired Rosey after catching mouse night before

And another very tired Rosey-cat. Both were at our feet this morning with a dead mouse. Irm-thanks?


This is the end of the #AtoZChallenge! Yay!


This was fun!


Well, the prompt word for #Stream of Consciousness Saturday was Yard. Yeah, I’m a day late. I was too tired to think about our yard. Even though it was sort of warm, finally, it was too windy and I was too tired to do much more than stand there as Kali did her OUTSIDE thing.

Did I mention I was tired? Yeah. Went to bed before I had the chance to write the blog. Oops! Didn’t wake up early either. Still kind of tired.

Wish there was a magical person with a magical lawnmower to mow that green stuff that is near the house. That might create a yard. Then another magical person to knock down most of the foxtails and other yellow stuff before the fire season starts. Yeah, that’s the day after the freezing temps it will be 110 in the shade–Oooo–grumpy, too!

So, you can see, maybe why I wasn’t into this prompt. Broken hubby, bro working 6 days a week, me on the tail end of fibro-flare facing the word, YARD. Even if it weren’t the prompt word of the day it looms over me with a vengeance.

Maybe I could have enjoyed the thought that a yard is really 3 feet! Broken down even smaller is 36 inches. I tried this last year. I’d go out and work on the “yard” a postage size part of the ground at a time. Never got past the front porch and the back porch before the heat robbed me of energy and fibro killed me. But the postage stamp places still look better a year later, so I say if a yard is as good as a mile, an inch is as good as a mile. And didn’t I move here for the sky anyway?


This is my contribution to the #AtoZChallenge a day late and many dollars short.




Petualang Baru

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مجلة السلام الاكترونية


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Towards Good Life

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