

Yesterday my brother finished the coop and moved our mini dinosaurs out of my piano room. Today that room is getting cleaned out (when it cools off this evening). Here’s what they all look like today:




Though they are kind of pretty from afar, they are scarier than velociraptors up close. That’s why I quit going into my piano room to say hello to the “chicks”. The sad thing is though we thought we had all hens, the turkeys all seem to be toms. I made them promise to be good for our little farm or they get re-homed. We don’t want to kill and cook. We only wanted the eggs and company. I’m allergic to eggs so I just wanted their company–and whatever weeding and de-bugging they can do.

Sorry I’ve been away from the blog for a while. I’ve been very busy. I’ll try to catch you up in the next few days.

Oh, if this doesn’t look right I am writing it on my tablet because it is already near triple digits so working on my laptop which heats way up is out of the question.