For some of us, a sky like this promotes deep contemplation. Others see it as a conspiracy. This is from last summer. I took a bunch of this crisscrossed sky at sunset. The prompt made me think of these. It is so peaceful here but never so much as just as the sun goes down. It could have been the busiest day but something like this slows down the thoughts and bring on thoughts of blessings.

I chose to go with this as the rest of my day has been busy trying to get ready for our new resident. Clearing a room means making a mess in the others. But I think it is coming together. Still… taking a look at the beauty outside helps me breathe through it all.


Thank you, Linda G. Hill for your constant inspiration, including Just Jot It January.

Cheryl brought us the prompt “Contemplation.” Check out Cheryl at her blog, “The Bag Lady”