Well, here I am trying hard to get my writing done before midnight. Seems I am the Midnight Writer! That is a cool name! In fact, I think it is

Sadly it is in use. Of course! And then I thought, ‘What about MidKnight Writer?’ that’s using last night’s prompt with this one. But it is taken, too.  Oh, well.

For those of you who are curious, that might not know yet, my son and his other siblings got here with half of his stuff. The siblings left (are safely home) and we are getting the house in order. In two weeks there has to be another trek down (8-hour drive) to pick up the rest and clean out his father’s apartment and then the 8-hour trek back only to unpack and figure out where the rest goes. The good of that is I get to see my other kids. The scary is everyone on the road so long. It will be nice to be finished with the move and everyone safely back where they belong.

So far the weather has been

for this crazy


The bewitching hour is at hand and I am too tired to care!

Just Jot It January is courtesy of Linda G. Hill.

Our fantastic prompt is from  Jill. See at her blog, “J-Dubs Grin and Bear It,” Here’s her link:  https://jilywily.wordpress.com/