No prompt. Just pictures, as bad as they are of what I’ve finished recently.

The tiny sock took me ages because it was on the KB2 loom that feels like it will break as you work. I’m glad my friend Kay gave me the metal/wood one for Christmas. I plan to use it next. By the way, I frogged this sock. It was merely a learning situation. Speaking of frogging, that hat I was knitting on the circular needles has been frogged once more. Yep, starting over. I’m learning, slowly!



This little doll and toddler hat were fun and easy. Both projects are (doll here) patterns that I have memorized and modified here and there.

I don’t know if you can tell what this is. It is a mini goat and baby hat. The yarn has fun little bumps all over and that makes it hard to see features. I can’t think of something this yarn would be good for. I doubt the baby will like wearing the hat. It’s kind of itchy. But it makes a cute bag for the goat to hang out in. The mini goat is a Scarlet Royal pattern (scroll to the bottom of the page), the hat from LoomAHat.

Meanwhile, I have two other socks in the process, the knitted knocker, and the circular needle hat. Since I am being requested for more toys I will work on them the most and do these harder projects a bit at a time.