Yeah, I have no idea what I am going to talk about. I just want to make sure I stay in the habit of blogging. No more A to Z. No more CampNano. I haven’t even done any knitting lately.

When my kids were little I felt like I was being followed by four tornadoes. Making a list of what I needed to do made me feel worse when nothing on the list got done even though I was busier than ever. So I started making lists of what I did get done, even if it was a repeat of the same things over and over.

So here’s the list for today:

Moved two chapters from Word into yWriter so that I could detail everything and get lists of items, locations, and characters in each scene.


Did a few minutes each of Russian, French, Esperanto, Japanese, Spanish, and German. Yeah, my list has grown on Duolingo but I find it fun to work on all of these. I may never be conversant with any but I may have a better understanding when I meet people who speak these, or when I find words in books of these languages.

Found out that I have a road trip with my Honey coming up. Unfortunately, it is to a hospital in Portland. Fortunately, the motel (hotel?) is covered so for this minor procedure. We just don’t have the kind of doctor he needs close by. Yay, Road Trip!

Unfortunately, I don’t think we can take Kali. Fortunately, there will be two people here to give her lots of loving while we’re gone. One plans to take her on long walks to wear her out. Maybe she won’t miss me? I will miss her.

For my background of the editing, I have been binging on Z Nation. It isn’t as good as TWD but there are moments that I am proud of the way they handle certain issues. And it is more humorous.

I guess that about covers it. What did you do today? How do you edit? How do you get things done? What do you do to improve your brain/body?