I’m so disappointed in myself. Remember that pair of socks I have been working on for three years? Well. Not steadily. I’d work on a sock and make mistakes and frog. Over and over. I finally got one sock done and it fit my brother. I figured I finally understood what I was doing. Yay me! So I figured I’d have that second sock done by today for his birthday. I’ve been working on this sock for a week and a couple days. But here it is nearly midnight and my hands are hurting and my eyes are crossed. It ain’t gonna happen.

I said happy birthday to my brother this morning and asked if he wanted a sock and a third. He laughed.

Here’s where I am right now. I’ll probably finish tomorrow.

I don’t know if you can see that both socks are accounted for. The second is still on the look. Just finished the heel. You can see it in the first picture. The second it just so you can see the type of loom.

Well, guess I’ll mosey on to bed and start working again tomorrow. Nighty night!