Per Linda:  Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “dress.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!


Dressed with the transparent reflective pearls, our new picture graces our Saturday pages. Only Nature can put on a spread appropriate to every day of the year. She is the dictator of our clothing. This weekend we will be donning bulky sweaters in the day and an extra blanket at night. Dress with less, and you are sure to be nipped by Jack Frost.

Speaking of dressing, our trees are completely naked. Just two short weeks ago, they were full of mostly green leaves. The yellow of Fall came and went within that quick season. And though I love the blue sky of Summer, blue sky Winter is ferocious! Without cloud cover, the temperatures dip to the teens and below. Without rain or snow, the landscape is prickly, yellows, and browns. Our desert doesn’t have cactus or those wonderfully spooky Joshua Trees. We have just a landscape of sagebrush and sky. Both beautiful in all seasons, but at times best seen from the comfort of shelter.

Playing around with words with ‘dress’ I found this humorous and somehow applicable to the subject:  With the addressability of ambassadresses in sweaterdresses, this climate only works for the rich as they can slip into vehicles or homes well heated. Even with the ankles left undressed frostbite won’t attack them due to less exposure than the poorly attired. (Where were Google Words when I played Scrabble?)

Ah, but I bore of the subject of the weather of my address. Ennui, sweats is my dress. Guess I had one more thing to readdress.