Per Linda:  Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “ow.” Find a word that contains “ow” or use it as a word in your post. Have fun!


Wow! Well, quite the difference from Linda’s SoCS, with all the pretty snow pictures. She says Christmas hasn’t been white most of the time since she moved to her home. We’ve been here in Christmas Valley four years and except for this year, it has snowed for a lot of the Halloweens, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. This year it looks like April. We even have some grass. Yes, we had a dusting last night but I didn’t see much of that, night owl that I am, it was melted away by the time I got up. April snow! Except the day isn’t as long as it should be.

The thing is most of my growing up time, I lived in Sunny Southern California. If we wanted snow we would drive up to Big Bear and see it and come home to get warm. I didn’t understand the Christmas cards and the wintery wonderland stuff. Give me a good beach and I’m happy.

Reno was nice. but it was big-city snow. Dirty icky snow. Chrismas Valley lived up to its name every year. Beautiful snow with perfect timing. Well, my husband may not think the snow was perfect when he broke his shoulder walking down our driveway a couple years ago. But it was the layers of pretty over icy. Deceiving snow. It looks soft like things look when I don’t have on my glasses, but it was mean snow. OW!

Do you all still have your trees up? We do. It had snowed a little before we erected our little forest of three trees. I refuse to take it down until there is real winter going on here! I will try to take a picture through the window if it happens. What if there will be no more snow? What if this is the opposite of the Starks? Spring is coming. And it will last years and all we will have is Spring and Summer for the rest of our lives. If I only had a pool, that would be okay, I think. Oh, and we need to get rid of the summer fires. Sorry, Australia. Ours wasn’t as bad. But it does seem to be pointing to global warming. Now I’m sadder, madder and scared. Scowl, frown, twitching brows. GROWL!

So Weather Underground says we may have snow next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Let’s grab that piece of hope, okay? Now I will take that bow. Yay! I actually wrote something for a minute!

By the way, I am going to try and edit and write every day this month. I’ll keep the commitment easy to keep. I’ll let you know when I do. I’m done being down. My has time flown! I did leave a few -ow words out there for others. I didn’t want to be a sow!