Per Linda:

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “last call.” Talk about the enterprise (sales or service) conducted by the last phone call you received from a business you’re not associated with (i.e. your workplace), or talk about that phone conversation itself. Have fun!


Okay. I can’t fully join in the prompt. I hate the phone. I think I have said this elsewhere on the blog. If it comes to calling someone, even people I love, I get shaky and sweaty. I don’t understand it. I was the teen that had a mile-long wire attached to my phone, and an even longer coiled wire attached to the receiver. I could wander anywhere in the house and out on the porches outside.  I could be on the phone for hours. We could chatter on and on.

Fast forward half a century and I can’t make service calls. If it is an important call I have my husband do the talking. He has one of those deep in-charge voices that gets the job done and doesn’t seem to have the throw-the-phone-across-the-room syndrome.

On the other hand, I love meeting with people I love on FaceBook IMs or Skype. Especially now that you can talk to a couple people at a time. I love seeing the faces and the environment my loved-ones are in. It is the next best thing to being there. That being impossible due to weather and finances.

My last video call was with my friends. Before one of them had a heart attack and went to the hospital. Stents were inserted and my friend is home, thank all that is good. Gosh, if I lived there I would have been able to be moral support. I remember seeing my friends’ faces on that last call and feeling my eyes well up with love for both of them. I love our calls.

When my friend got home from the hospital, she found a key from one of her sisters. It was a key to the TARDIS. Gosh, do I wish we had one to go back and forth in time and space and seeing who you want when you want and when you need to.

Anyone want to join on a flight with me on this ‘last call’ phone booth?