Well, I picked up this cute little loom on Wish. It was cheap so I thought it would be fun to try. That and it was cheap!


Cute, huh? I put it on the keyboard so that you could see how small it is. There was a learning curve. I may have ripped out one nearly whole sock and reknitted, then frogged again. Ugh! I don’t blame the cute little loom. I blame the soft wonderful yarn that separated sometimes and caused little fuzzballs.

Then the worst thing! Right at the toe of the second sock, I ran out of the gray yarn. Ugh, again! But I found this red homespun type yarn that was as soft as the gray yarn. I couldn’t find anything that l matched so I figured a contrast might pull it off. The gray was yarn from my daughter and the socks are for my son. I think he likes them. And they fit!

If he were a little kid that red toe could differentiate right and left foot. But a grown man in his forties. I’ve got nothing. He said thank you. I shouldn’t have. “Mom, you already made me a hat.” I hope he likes them. He did like the first one and said it was soft and would be nice to wear in the evening while watching TV. So he’ll be comfortable and no one will see the red toe and make fun of him. It’s a possibility. Hey, look at that! I was able to use the prompt for Just Jot It January! Oh, and he did take them with a smile. There’s that!