This was the nearest book as we still have Christmas happening in our Christmas Valley home. I misread the instructions. I thought I was to use the first three words in the first full sentence. So there’s that. Here’s the first real page:

The first three words sang to me from this book I’ve yet to read: On the tenth of … the next… December didn’t fit in the rules but called to me as it is the day after my birthday. The tenth is a day late but usually, especially for Sagittarius beings, part of the month of birthday/Christmas a confusion of winter wear and honest attempts to make it special. But somehow, I feel it special now without any presents. Can anyone believe when they are seventy? But I still do the snow dance and get happy over certain songs.

That was a sidetrack. I think I meant to go through how Christmas is still here. AND how I still haven’t read this book. I pack it away with the Christmas decor. I do love Cornelia Funke books. And aren’t those pictures cute?

I know this is supposed to be a stream but I feel that was the Jot needed to suffice. Knitting and binging Gilmore Girls (were mid-fifth season) are distracting the writer in me. I hope you all are having a great weekend! By the way, another snow is expected tonight so the little bit leftover is going to get some friends.

And here were the instructions per Linda that I obviously didn’t read close enough:

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “the first 3 words of the first full sentence.” Okay, follow me here. This is what I want you to do: 1. Grab the closest book to you when you sit down to write your post. 2. Open it to a random page. 3. Locate the first complete sentence on that page. 4. Use the first three words of that sentence to start your post, then take it from there–write whatever comes to mind. That’s it! Have fun!