Tuesday is here, and it’s time for the 21st prompt for Just Jot it January 2020, brought to us by Cheryl. Much appreciation, Cheryl! Please be sure to visit her blog to read her post and say hello. And follow her while you’re there!.

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 21st, 2020, is “scraggly.” Use the word “scraggly” any way you’d like. Have fun!


Memory is a funny thing. Especially when you have to remember 65 years ago or more. So I saw the word Scraggly and I thought of the Golden Book. I knew I had it. Nope.

I loved those books. My favorite, though, was

So scraggly didn’t get put into the thought. But if you look at that puppy, I wonder if Kali looked like this cutie when she was a pup.

Nope. She not scraggly. But the dark ears and the spot on her back looks like that puppy. She’s anything but pokey. Though, with her being equal years to me, dog years, she’s a lot slower than she used to be. It kind of makes me sad. But I couldn’t keep up with her before. Now it’s sort of evening out.

Okay. None of that has to do with scraggly. And I will show you no pictures of what I consider the proof of the word. My hair and the weeds outside when the snow isn’t covering them. I can’t do much about the weeds but I think I will try to cut my hair again soon. Don’t you hate it when it tickles your eyes and ears and makes you think bugs are crawling? Thank goodness for winter and dormant bugs! And snow!