I’m Busy


I used to be busy. In my head, it felt like the buzzing busy signal we used to get before call waiting. When we were officially retired our busy looked like the above phone screenshot. It was fun to connect with family and friends and make new friends. It was fun to learn new things. Heck, I learn a lot about loom-knitting, felting, polymer clay molding, chair yoga. Gosh, there is no end to what you can learn on the internet.

But body issues crept in and brain issues. Yes, I am afraid that after losing both of my grandmothers from Alzheimer’s, my brain may be getting more than old. Eye-tracking makes a lot of reading, even on the internet, nearly impossible. It makes playing the piano nearly impossible. But I’m finding ways to do the things, all the things, differently. (Kindle text-to-speech, Audible, for instance).

I start to feel guilty about how I spend my time. How I don’t do the things everyone else is doing. I, especially, feel the guilt while playing games.


Okay, maybe not that game. More like slower, calmer versions of Tetris-like games or wordy games, or hidden objects. Mixed in with bingeing shows, writing/editing my books, reading books, knitting. Still, it felt I should be busy doing other things, that my body can’t.

Today I read this:

9 Ways to Keep Aging Brain Smart Check out #3! So these are helping my brain stay alive. Yay! Not worthless playing for no reason.

And since watching Everwood, I am looking forward to more of this:


I figure if I don’t try to start where I left off but go back to the bigger staves and letting my memory of the easier pieces help me relax and enjoy the stuff again.

Per Linda:

Today’s prompt comes to us compliments of Saumya. Thank you so much, Saumya! Please be sure to visit her blog to read her post and say hello. And follow her while you’re there!

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 26th, 2020, is “busy.” Use the word “busy” any way you’d like. Enjoy!