What a great day this was! I finished a lot of editing and a little writing on Pandamapocalypse.

Then I completed daughter’s socks! At Last!!!!!

These were toe-up, Kitchener cast-on. Mostly flat knit stitch. Four-by-four ribbing with purls and true-knit stitch. And that last bit was the hard part. True-knit feels like purling and so I had to watch what I was doing all the time. I know there are people who love that stitch but I just can’t get a good rhythm going. Oh, and that is the Hers loom of the KB His/Hers set. I now have three sets but the last two sets are smaller than the first set that I actually broke a peg. I like the smaller set. They have the same amount of pegs but the feel is better. Now on to the boyfriend’s socks, yeah I still have the ribbing to go.

While sitting here being productive the sky put on quite the show:



In spite of the fact that it is supposed to be Spring, we are still only in the 50s during the day and freezing and below at night. Remind me in August and September how I complained as we have fires during 100-degree heat. I’ll apologize. I promise! And with skies like the above, the complaint is only a minor one.

I hope you all had good days and are remaining healthy.