While talking with my friends today, there was a hubbub in the yard. I went out to see and found that a neighbor’s visitor’s dog had come into our yard and killed our rooster. That was so sad. The dog was young and the owner was so apologetic. The neighbor buried the rooster. I felt bad because it was his rooster that had migrated here to our yard quite a while ago. This rooster was so protective of the ‘girls’ that none of the hens were hurt. But I will miss his guarding our home and letting me know when it was time to give up the toast crusts. Yes, I share my breakfast with the fowl beings.

It was the hottest day for us so far. 91. I think. Lots of humidity. We got out the little AC and put it in the window. Tomorrow cooler but wind and thunderstorms are expected. I hope for the cloud to cloud lightning as we don’t need fires with all that is going on.

Yes, it was a Friday. Trash picked up and empty for another week of refuse.

Though not as gorgeous as my friend’s from Carson, (sorry I can’t share that one, not mine to share) we, too had a beautiful sunset.

That last picture looks like it was raining over the fields to the north. Just a little cloud, but it was doing its best.

Oh! And I got some pretty yarn I can’t wait to make more socks with.