I feel like dancing! Shouting to the rooftops!

I didn’t start out that way this morning. I felt I would never finish the socks and I needed a quick win. So in about an hour, I knitted this little cutie.

Knifty Knitter 24 peg loom. Fold-over brim. Flat knit stitch. Drawstring cast-off. Pom-pom on the smallest pom-pom maker. I think it gave me the juice I needed to finish the socks.

The top pair are for my daughter, the bottom pair are for her boyfriend. Soon to be in the mail to them. Totally made with love. These were made on the KB His (purple) and Hers (orange) sock looms. All four were made toe-up with the Kitchener Cast-on. Flat knit stitch. I varied the cuff in that daughter’s is four-by-four ribbing, and boyfriend’s cuffs are two-by-two ribbing. It was quite a learning experience. I was still feeling the magic as I finished to see that the stripes are so matched that they seem store-bought. I do have enough of this yarn leftover that I can make me a pair, too. But I have other things to finish first.

Much of my time lately is working on a crafty project I hope to give friends. That has me shaky as I have not spent a lot of time, lately, on artsy/craftsy things. But it is fun and I think it will feel more confident as I keep trying. We’ll see.

Meanwhile, I have been experimenting with yarn masks. I have a lighter weight one that I hope to create on that will be comfortable in the summer. I’ve ordered bamboo yarn because it is allergy-free, and has tons of benefits for the wearer.

As a bonus, this was our sunset: