Child’s Hat

I just can’t stop with the cable stitches or the decreases using the methods I described  few days ago, here.


Over the week end while thinking about bugging out and realizing that I didn’t want to leave any of my knitting supplies behind. I ran across a hat I started a while ago. I used the orange adult KB loom seen in the photo. But my new love of the decreased crown had me going crazy. That white yarn is the bumpy homespun stuff. I  could only decrease one level without it getting tight. So I thought it would be fun to transfer to half the pegs on the flexee loom. Do you ever find yourself in a project that you felt you couldn’t find your way out? Yeah, this hat caused so much actual pain and mental strain I nearly frogged it. I had to use a combination of cable needles to hold the stitches. I transferred them to the flexee. At first I got them on the wrong side. I had a plan to reverse as I went but that didn’t work out–I think it was because I forgot as I worked what my next plan was. Suddenly all the stitches were on the Flexee, even though wrong side out. But I worked the decreases anyway.Inside out! My hands weren’t ready for it. It hurt a lot to work from that direction. But I am proud of the end result!

This hat will go to Hugger Hats, the charity. I hope it helps keeps someone’s head warm this winter.


I mentioned thinking of bugging out; still not ready and hope I don’t have to. We seem pretty safe here, I think. But our Writing Group was cancelled as our friends in Paisley have had to bug out. That is a couple hours away from here, but still it seems Oregon is on fire nearly everywhere. My son has his bug out ready. I’m getting more organized so I think tomorrow I’ll set up the first emergency bag ready and set things up so that if there is time yarny stuff can go along with foods and electronics. And art supplies. and books and journals and music and keyboard and recorders, There’s a reason I have so much stuff, I like doing lots of thihngs. How do people narrow it down?


Thank you all for thoughts and prayers for our west coast and for me and my family. I am so grateful that my adult children are well. My brother  and husband and I are doing well.

But I am writing this on my tablet because my computer keeps going out. We think it is a bad charging cord so we’ll try to get a new one soon. Meanwhile, I can barely read what I’m typing. I hope you can decipher it all. I hope life is treating you all well in spite of it being 2020.