My computer is back! Yay! It is lighter weight and so is better for my lap. I had been borrowing my husband’s. That was nice of him and he followed through to find what was wrong and it seems it needed a different charging cord. I haven’t checked out the  yWriter and WriteItNow to see if my latest NaNo is up to the last date I worked on it, but I know where I can find the files to get it there.

MY COMPUTER! It is like that most comfortable coat or pair of shoes that when you put them on there is MAGIC.

I couldn’t find a laptop picture that shows my comfort level with my own, lightweight, machine. That one on the bottom left is closest. Except it isn’t a couch but rather a recliner. Not a massaging chair but a place of comfort where I can sit in my favorite position of half-lotus and either lap the laptop or use the foot of the chair as a desk. So a heavy laptop can hurt my legs and then hurt my arms as I move it.

Medical shows are my favorites. While I am writing this I have discovered a new one. Transplant. No, it doesn’t start with M but my Stream seems to migrate to the show. So I’m sharing. I am loving this!

And that brings me back to the happiness of working on MY COMPUTER!

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “starts with ‘m’.” Use any word that begins with the letter “m” as the subject or theme for your post. Enjoy!

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!