I hate to admit to not having anything finished today.

Remember the socks on the CinDWood X loom (what I can’t help but call X-wing)?

I decided that they were turning out too wide. So I frogged nearly all four and readjusted and started three from the beginning.

Remember the half-finger gloves?

I got down to just below the thumb and can’t understand the tutorial for the next couple of rows. I’ve sent out requests to the designer to see if she can walk me through.

I have made a couple more ear warmers but something you can make in half a day doesn’t make me nearly as happy with the finished project as the hats in the above picture.

I didn’t finish my editing for the four previous chapters of Pandamapocolypse. I hope to finish that by tomorrow afternoon. Then I need to get a vague outline for the next 50K to add to that story. And I will try to beef out the characters so as to have more to write about.

Oh, and I haven’t finished the fourth and last season of Hart of Dixie. It is winding down. It is light fun. And one episode recently actually made me cry, Mostly I find it fun/funny.

If you want to watch something to escape the news and anxiety, and fun background while you get something done, this is it.

Tomorrow I may not blog as I need to get NaNoWriMoing pregame workup and then living the night of writing dangerously.  If you are joining me, good luck! And

Happy Halloween!