Trick or Treat is nearly the exact term I would use for 2020. I have been keeping a journal and writing a book for first CampNaNo where I wrote about 25K and now starting at midnight plan to add another 50K. Getting ready for the start of NaNoWriMo this year required me to edit the spring start of the book and make sure all the journaling and whining and prompts not touched got put in the section of yWriter that keeps that count for being in the total word count. I want that count to be purely story.

All of that to say, I have now relived 2020 from March on. It has been a slow and boring rollercoaster full of angst and sometimes loneliness. Since my book is loosely based on the pandemic, it is titled Pandamapocalypse (I may have to rename it as I can never remember the way to spell it. Clue: There are Pandas and Ma’s but remembering is there an ‘a’ or an ‘o’ after the second ‘p’ and then after the ‘c’ has no hints to hold onto.

During this year I have watched more series than I think I ever have. It is curious how the writers come up with their plots. One thing I have noticed is that if it is a long series they resort to using the holidays as they come. Making sure there are tricks and treats for Halloween seems to give them lots of fodder for maybe even two episodes.

My characters have only experienced Easter and that was too fearful to do more than think it and move on. So they are going to get a treat both on Earth and on Haven as they all celebrate in ways to help them enjoy life again and yet stay to the mission to see why it is spreading and how they can help stop the process. My trick for them is how, now that the virus is human, things can get worse before it gets better while trying to keep it light enough that I want to write.

Well, I did manage to blog. Yay, me! Hope you all had a great Halloween and didn’t get tricked.

Happy NaNoWriMo to those that are joining me!

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!

Per Linda G. Hill: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “trick.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!