There is a reason I leave my curtains open until darkness has settled. Even on a cloudless and cold day, there is a reward:

Another fun view from my recliner as I knitted

This furry friend has adopted us but is too feral to come in so we can take better care of her. By the way, that is not her looking at us. Those are snowflakes that seem to be right where her eyes might be if she were looking at us. But if she were looking right at us, you would see the largest green eyes a cat can have. She is so sweet and friendly. But she doesn’t want you to pick her up, and she runs at the slightest noise. We will still work at getting her in to take her to a vet and get her fixed and vaccinated. Then I will really want her as an indoor kitty—too many dangers out here in the country.

Remember these?

I didn’t like how they looked on the cuff, so I frogged them and started with a comparable color toe.

I won’t bore you with the other 8 pairs of socks I’m working on.  And I’m still learning to knit toe-up, two-at-a-time, magic circle. I’ve shared this video a couple times, but I am still using it to learn. So here you go.