Per Linda G. Hill:
Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “day/week/month/year.” Use one, use them all, use them any way you’d like. Enjoy!

A year ago when we locked down, someone suggested that we should all keep physical journals. The idea was to treat this time in history of interest to future archeologists.

That was enough for me to try.

The above became my contribution to the future information diggers.

I was faithful filling in my descendants with all I knew and how it was affecting me and mine.

I touch on emotions and politics. And the thought hit me, ‘What if technology of today no longer exists in the future for whatever reason. So I wrote so far as my knowledge went to explain television, internet, computers, etc.

Don’t ask why I got so into that issue. But it was fun. How would you explain this stuff to, say your ancestors who still only had candlelight, maybe even no books yet? I was thinking about that as I wrote.

Well, I was dedicated daily until August. That’s a lot of months of journaling. No diary in my life had me writing by hand past a week at most. So I was proud of this little tablet that was nearly half full when I made this entry.

I guess I owe my historical- epidemiologists more entries. If they found the book as it is, they’d probably think the author succumbed. I’m sure they would shed a tear, shake their heads, and move to the next historical site. ‘Poor thing didn’t last the year.’

So for their sakes, I will write an entry as soon as this is posted.

In this handwritten masterpiece I will state the facts of actual cases and deaths. How they were loved and treated by overworked health workers and how they had to die without family or friends in horrid pain.

But keeping with my original idea I will show my gratitude that most of my loved ones managed this difficult year.

I will include that two of my three besties have had their first vaccine. That two of us are still waiting.

Fears of future possibilities will be expressed while sharing gratitude and happiness that we may all see each other by the summer.🤞 Hopefully an Independence Day is coming like none other! 🇺🇸