The Love ProjectThe Love Project by T.B. Markinson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Game show romance, advice column fun with an edge. Not only is there a lesbian love story, but one that involves a bit of a different issue. I don’t know what it is called, but one of the characters doesn’t read people well. I must admit that I related to that character. Not only do I not read people, I fail to see weight gain or loss, understand that a friend or a family member needs a hug. That kind of thing. It can be embarrassing. By the time I get it, the moment is gone, and the conversation or situation calls for something else.

It was a book of hope for those of us that are people slow. The new friend helps by being understanding. Well worth the read, just for the education about types of people. And fun in a reality-show way.

I picked this book up on Kindle Unlimited. Try this quick, fun read.

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