No. we’re safe. I know there are some really scary things like floods, and tornados on the east coast. And out here the fire season is getting serious, especially with the lightning storms we are having in spite of sizzling heat. But my tornado is more what I got done and then what I enjoyed as a reward when tired.

I did get a lot of the work done toward my vlog studio and my music studio. Not finished by far but a couple cooler days like today and I think that will be done. I can’t wait! I’ll take pictures if not YouTube the finished results.

And the day ended so beautifully! Forgive the dirty droplets on the window It has been windy and rainy making muddy windows!

I had an issue with passwords and getting into my games got weird. But the issue is finally ironed out. I am doing a sort of inventory of the purchased games to see which I should have downloaded and which I can skip. I tried out something like Mosaic 3? I can’t remember but it was puzzle after puzzle. I may find a time that I might want to play it in the middle of winter, but I need the distraction of great graphics and hidden objects. I can’t see to read well. But with my glasses on upside down, for some reason, I can see the screen well enough to find most objects. They seem to be getting my mind in removal mode. Does that make sense? I play a while then run and get stuff done. Then tired and game again.

My newest fun is Tornado: The Secret of the Magic Cave. The finding is harder as the pictures are smaller but this is a younger feeling game. Though the main characters are at driving age they seem to be living alone in a cabin, and then are having to survive in a cave after a tornado wrecks their lives. They are siblings so I guess that was the way to get away from the romantic element of some of these games. I wish it would play faster but I am enjoying camping without the rocks biting me in my chilled sleep. I probably won’t play the rest of the night as I haven’t played my recorder in days and I miss it.