My life has been hectic. Doing what? It’s a mystery. Maybe a list of accomplishments isn’t available, but I see a fun task finished every now and then, and it isn’t a myth. Look at this loomy hat fresh off the loom today.

Sorry for the gloomy pictures. That is a salmon color. Somehow the cellphone didn’t capture it properly. I knitted it on the Flexee loom. 80 pegs, so it should fit an adult. It was with mohair from the charity so it will go to the charity. The brim was a fold back on itself, then I did a couple rows of cable stitches. The rest just flat knit. I did this decrease method.

The difference is that after finishing the first batch of decreases, I move all the loops to remove the links of every other stitch so that in the end, I will have 40 pegs, and I do this whole decrease again. It is fun to do this decrease on the flexees.

Oh, another done thing without crossing off a list, I actually wrote more on my story. I haven’t done much writing in the last two CampNaNos. I sort of forgot to write and edit. I think I have been avoiding it because seeing the computer screen is difficult. Myopia with cataracts makes the reading of any kind painful. When I have to try too hard, I get gloomy, But, Yay! Today I wrote, and now I want to know what happens to my lost characters. I’m hoping they will become chummy with wild horses to pull their truck like a covered wagon. Covered will be necessary as it may soon get stormy.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “my.” Start your post with the word “My.” Bonus points if you end your post with “yours.” Enjoy!