Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “tree.” Use the word “tree” or write about a tree. Any kind of tree. Enjoy!

When I saw the prompt I planned a whole different stream. I thought it would be about putting our Christmas trees up, today. But it has been so cold and windy that all I could do was knit under the electric lap blanket.

The other topic was going to be about working on my diamond art projects. I did watch a bunch of YouTube videos about how to get started.

The only way this stream hits the word ‘tree’ can only show up is how our trees are bending towards the east from these horrible cold winds. We have been promised snow. But I beginning to feel deceived.

Once it snows it’ll be warmer. The humidity makes everything better.

This was a few weeks of ago. The trees are naked now. I hope they are still standing tomorrow.