Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “page.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!

” Page 77 everyone,” the teacher announced.

A classroom of students shuffled as they pulled textbooks from backpacks. Books pounded the desks. Pages fluttered as everyone found their places.

Sue moaned quietly. Not another story of rainbows and unicorns. Well, the unicorns were fine but why did they think all girls wanted princesses and all that fluff.

If Sue wrote a story, there would be peasant girls. There were more of them than the spoiled, weak, brainless royalty.

A pheasant walked by. It seemed to want to make sure of spelling. “Hhhhhh.”

“I’m not writing about beautiful birds this time, thank you.” Sue was always polite.

“I want a story about dragons. Smart dragons. Not a knight or sword in sight.” Her pencil raced across the page. “Who needs royalty?”

Suddenly the girl next to her kicked her desk. “Psst!” She hissed. Sue was always jealous of her friend. She always had that perfect pageboy.

Suddenly, she had a young page telling the dragon how to slip by the castle unnoticed.

Her pencil drew the scene. One line squiggled wrong. She erased, blew off the eraser bits.

Her friend coughed. “I’m sorry!” Sue said as she smoothed her friend’s hairdo.

“Sue, look. We’ve turned the page.”

Sue caught up and saw a picture of a dragon holding a young person who was reading an announcement.

Sue was excited and said aloud, “A page!”