Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “trip.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Remember the way the kids would joke if you stumbled? “Have a nice trip?” Yeah. I never thought it was funny unless I recovered and could laugh at myself.

Most of the America’s Funniest Videos seem to be based on that joke. Hopefully, the victim recovered and made a little money from it. But still, I think we all stumble and fall. I think when we get hurt it is worse. Then it is more than scrapes. For the socially shy, each trip takes the person down the rabbit-hole of shame. Trip=bad.

Taking a vacation elsewhere. Oh, how I long for one of those. But lack of funds, COVID-19, now gas prices, that kind of trip is out.

If you are a child of the 60s, a Baby Boomer, taking a trip, trippin’ had a different meaning. I feel weird as I never did. I was too afraid of my mom to try. But about everyone I knew did and told me about it.

Then there was Captain Trips… Brings 2021 full circle!

I have wonderful memories of vacation trips and a marvelous cruise to Alaska. Now, that was a nice trip!

Stream of Consciousness, my fav kind of trip!