
We are still walking. It’s become a part of our daily story. Above is one of the scenes we see. We went this way today.

Thursday’s walk

We went straight until we heard the prompt say it was a mile. Then turned around.

Oops screenshot captured the chat! But hey! Awards are fun!
Today’s walk. Way shorter but longer somehow.

So coming around back towards our street a neighbor came out to talk to us. She was concerned about a dog in a house closer to us. It seemed tangle in chains. They had tried to give the dog water as the chain was keeping the dog standing and unable to reach food or water.

The dog owner had been suffering from a stroke so none of us knew where he was.

We reported it to the sheriff looking for a welfare-check for the dog’s owner. My brother and husband untangled the chain and brought the dog here to chain in our front yard.

We learned his name is Bear. He is sweet. Even Kali likes him. We still don’t know where his owner is, or even that he is okay. Wish we could afford to have a big brute like Bear but we’re barely able to care for what we have.

Anyway, that walk was short for milage but long on story.

I’ve set up my yWriter7 for my memoirs.  CampNano started today. I think my goal is a little too high, 50k. My imagination is good for that. But real life? I can already see it will be a bit of a psychological trip but to get to nuggets to share I need to walk in the mully grubs.

In other news…

Today’s progress.

Now back to the mully grubbing.