Tag Archive: walking

Tuesday’s Tidbits

I don’t talk much about Duolingo and my 10 languages. Maybe you think it’s a bad idea to do all of them. But both of my grandmothers died from Alzheimer’s. I want to learn as much as I can while it all still works. Still, some days I work on every one. Some days I might barely make it through one little lesson.  I’ve managed to stay at the Obsidian level. For me, the great take away is I feel more and more confident — until I feel I suck. I would say more positive times than negative. And I love the feeling of growing, getting better. Hearing words on TV or while reading that I understand just thrills me. I must admit Navajo and Hebrew are the hardest of all ten. I keep starting over. I think I need books or tutorials on these.

The other tidbit is the achy muscles from < 5 miles and < 30 minutes on the stationary bike. Before I hop on the bike I do 20 pushups on the door, 10-15 floor/ceiling touches, and side to side bends. That doesn’t make me sore. But my son and I have started our afternoon walks of two miles. The energy is there to do these. But my legs are protesting quietly. Again, I’m amazed at how little things can build to make a body or mind, or habit grow. Why did it take me so long to understand that?

Not me. Not my bike. But I feel her smile.
Almost finished!

Grandma Gatewood's Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian TrailGrandma Gatewood’s Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail by Ben Montgomery
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Though Patrick Lawlor (Narrator) did a good job telling the story, I felt it would have been better with a female narrator. Still, it wasn’t about the narrator or the author. This book was dedicated to Grandma Gatewood, her life and times, and the many hikes she walked just because.

Regardless of the way the story is told, I felt inspired by Grandma Gatewood. Granted, I find a walk of a couple of miles more than enough. I think maybe because I have other things planned for the rest of the day. I wonder, if I told myself that this day is for walking if I would find it more enjoyable than trying to get back on time for this or that appointment. On the other hand, this is winter and the wind is horrid. And I might melt if it rained, excuses, excuses.

Anyway, I was lucky to find this on Libby You might like it too.

View all my reviews

Finishing Friday

Oops! I was supposed to be finished with these  but I got distracted. Maybe by Sunday? I plan to make them low cuffs so about five rows of knitting, then five more of ribbing. Then I will give up on thinner yarns and needles. Oops! I still have the next pair. My fingers are saying, ‘Ugh!’
Still I love the colors!
This yarn is easier though a little boring. Still my allergic friends will like these better than the fun wools that I like. Getting ready to finish the heel. That’s the party I have to concentrate on. Lots of counting. I just admit the yarn and needles are much kinder to my hands.

I have a few other projects but the progress is even less than these. I’m wondering how summer will affect progress. With walks and biking indoors I’m moving more.

I am trying out my walking sticks. Who knew that could tire one out?

Finishing Friday

This pair of slipper socks is as done as I can get them. I’m waiting for the yarn I’ll use for the heel and cuff. The four cakes of yarn I have, won’t be enough for the four socks I’m making. I looked for more and no one seems to have that color anywhere. These are Two At A Time Toe-up on ChiaoGoo red-lace circular needles.
The sock on the left is ready for the heel. The sock on the right has about 3″ before the heel. Luckily the new brown cotton should be here Tuesday. These are done on Flexee fine-gauge looms. I prefer the circular needles. And I’m getting good at trading off continental and traditional knitting.
The sock on the left hasn’t progressed. The one on the right needed to be tinked back about 15 rows. But I am finally back where I came from. This is thin yarn on skinny HiyaHiya Fliers so it is still painful to work with. That dark blue yarn, Denim makes my fingers blue. So these don’t call my hands to work much.
These are tiny yarn and thin ChiaoGoo red-lace circular needles so it is still hard for my hands. This yarn feels better than the light blueish yarn above.
I’ve tinked a few times as I am still learning how to make heels on Two At A Time Toe-up Socks. These are Knitters’Pride Royale Circular Needles. I miss this yarn. Not the curling cords on the needles. I can’t wait till I understand the heel, wrap and turn, decrease, and even more so the undoing the wrap and turns increases.
Just waiting to understand heels. See above. Not the same yarn. This is super washed wool. Same needles.
I found this chart for socks and am trying to save it everywhere.

Alas, my Ancheer treadmill from Ebay but the dust. I’m back to cold weather walking. By the way, we did buy insurance on the treadmill so hopefully it will be fixed or replaced. Today’s walk:

Not a lot but cold! I’ll try to get better.

Just Jot It January, Reversal

“Reversal” is our prompt word of the day today. Thank you to Sadje for this


Reversals are hard on mature minds.

Growing up spankings were the way to discipline children. I didn’t feel right when I tried. It left me angry and the kids frustrated. And nobody learned anything but how to bully. I learned new methods that worked without shame or pain. I maybe wasn’t the best mom but I tried to be thoughtful and teach love and respect a new way.

Growing up we were taught to clean our plates. Sure our parents grew up in the depression. Wasting food was a crime in their eyes. Overweight as an adult I’ve fought to reverse that concept. I’m doing better but still learning.

My generation was taught that many forms of exercise was silly. Riding your bike to school was for losers. Running, also uncool.

I don’t think peer pressure would have talked me out of swimming. And I remember feeling so free biking to school. Running wasn’t something my body could do.

Now there is no pool. These rocky dirt roads might not be safe for bikes. But I’m reversing my thoughts on running.

Example: my treadmill has different settings. I’m not sure of the meanings. But I’ve invented ways to relate. “1” is following the slow people in the mall. “2” is crowded but getting there. “3” feels perfect. The errands will get done. “4” is late for the bus but not letting the cool kids see me running. Today I hit “5”. I’m late for the bus but not quite a run. Guess what? I think quick spurts of running are in my future. Cool kids be damned!😂

Oh, and we were never to trust anyone over 30. Reversed that one by 43 years!!!


Tomorrow my assessment for cataract surgery in Bend. Posting here will rely on how much vision I have after getting my eyes dilated. Needless to say, I’m nervous and excited.

One-Liner Wednesday

A walk completed on the Spring day in the week of seasons.

Snow yesterday, pleasant today, 80 tomorrow, back to snow Monday.

Even so this happened:

The last two days I’ve been tired.

And a quick word count for my CampNano memoir. 4,465. I still need another 800 before bed. So far, it’s fun. But the project and I are still young. LOL! And back to it!


We are still walking. It’s become a part of our daily story. Above is one of the scenes we see. We went this way today.

Thursday’s walk

We went straight until we heard the prompt say it was a mile. Then turned around.

Oops screenshot captured the chat! But hey! Awards are fun!
Today’s walk. Way shorter but longer somehow.

So coming around back towards our street a neighbor came out to talk to us. She was concerned about a dog in a house closer to us. It seemed tangle in chains. They had tried to give the dog water as the chain was keeping the dog standing and unable to reach food or water.

The dog owner had been suffering from a stroke so none of us knew where he was.

We reported it to the sheriff looking for a welfare-check for the dog’s owner. My brother and husband untangled the chain and brought the dog here to chain in our front yard.

We learned his name is Bear. He is sweet. Even Kali likes him. We still don’t know where his owner is, or even that he is okay. Wish we could afford to have a big brute like Bear but we’re barely able to care for what we have.

Anyway, that walk was short for milage but long on story.

I’ve set up my yWriter7 for my memoirs.  CampNano started today. I think my goal is a little too high, 50k. My imagination is good for that. But real life? I can already see it will be a bit of a psychological trip but to get to nuggets to share I need to walk in the mully grubs.

In other news…

Today’s progress.

Now back to the mully grubbing.

Roping in my ADD thoughts has always been a problem. And my many hobbies are just the tangible ideas. There are not enough hours in a day to do all the things I want to do.

That is one of the reasons I blog. It is a place to remind myself of my passions and thoughts that might just escape to the ether never to be seen again.

Today I got to open my next diamond painting. It is from the set of four dragons. I pulled it out randomly.

Here’s the unboxing.

I know it’s a dragon but I can’t figure out what I’m seeing.
It is a good size. And yes those are stray drills from previous paintings. Keeping the projects in an upsidedown bin lets the lid become a catch-tray.
My new container for the new project’s drills.
This one went sideways. But the point I was making was how clear the symbols are. What a relief from my first two projects.
I think I see a mommy and dragonet.
Here are the colors. The symbols are alphanumeric, yay!
The wax, tray, and pen. And the rope of drills. Well organized and easy to kit up. A lot of black! In fact, that’s what I got done today.

On another note. We walked 1.5 miles today which amounted to 49K steps. Wahoo us!

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “rope.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!


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