Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “wallpaper.” Use it however you’d like. Have fun!

Wallpaper has become a symbol of the angst of new technology. Each new phone, Fire, and computer has wallpaper choices. They try to get me to choose something with buildings, but I reject those pictures. I like the ones with nature most prominent. Sunsets and beaches are my favorites. How about something like these?

Photo by Sebastian Voortman on

If you’ve been following me for a while, you probably have already picked up on the themes of my life.

In real life, I prefer no wallpaper. Mostly it makes the walls feel busy. My life and home are too busy to have it appear on the walls. I don’t even enjoy putting up pictures. That’s funny in that I spend a lot of time making pictures! I wish I could just do the pictures and let others pin them on their walls. I like the process.

Well, back to my newest Diamond fun. Wallpaper begets this wallflower.