Well, I made the mistake of working on my knitting all day and forgot to blog or do my Duolingo. At least I had a ‘freeze’ on Duo, so I still have the count of 1,146 days. But I bet I am back to day one here on WordPress. I was heading for the 300. I’m so disappointed!

Slipper socks are coming along, and I love them so much more on the Flexee fine-gauge loom.
This hat is coming along. It won’t be long now until the decreasing crown.
I started a brand new little hat. I love working on circular needles.
This hat is close to the end of the brim.
This is the bear that took all my time and concentration. Knitting is the fun part. I hate the next part, sewing and stuffing. But I think he will be cute.
These are the double-ended but not needles that I used for the bear. These were my mom’s. I think she chose to make single-ended needles out of many doubles. Sorry for the dog hair. Kali share’s her wealth!
Here’s a close-up of the gobs of gum or putty that she had on the ends. They are on there pretty tight, and it looks shiny, whatever it was.
Nearly done with Starry Night!
Guess who needs a haircut! Yep, me!