Yay, despite the weirdness of life knitting happens.

Knitters’Pride Royale Circular Needles, Caron Jumbo, (can’t find the label for colorway). I shared the videos I followed a couple days ago. Learning the Fleegle heel and a stretchy bind-off I really found easy.

On the other hand… I found Knitters’Pride Royale Circular Needles a pain to work with. This happened a lot:

The cables curled up and got in the way a lot. In my personal contest, ChiaoGoo red-lace circulars wins.

Here’s a nearly finished pair of cotton socks on ChiaoGoo red-lace circulars. The cables stay out of the way.

Meanwhile, here’s the ‘atmospheric river.’ Pretty, but I feel it is too little and too much too late.

By the way, is there anyone in the country that likes Daylight Savings Time?