Nowadays, my NaNo is slowing down. Creating beings and planets, including new languages, is so hard for me. It is hard enough to describe things I can see and touch. Creating beyond those languages I am playing with seems impossible. So writing fast and a lot is not working for the moment. I have to think through everything. And all this using other beings’ viewpoints. This book has mermaids that can travel in space in a cloud of their own environment. But they can’t look like OUR mermaids, can they? Would we like them and want to help them if they are ugly? That’s not nice, but it is a fact of our nature we need to overcome. Not easy. So over the next few days, I will try to acquaint myself with creatures of undetermined qualities from places never known. They’ll need names, beings, and planets. Welcome to my world: NaNotopia!

By the way, I don’t think I’ve shared the current cover art.