Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “starts with over.” Find a word that starts with “over” and use it for your prompt. Enjoy!

Overwhelmed. I tend to get there. Easy. Too many passwords and ways to change them or keep them. Ugh! Hey, smart people help us less brilliant folks out.

Following this stream… It seems there aren’t enough hours in the day and energy to all the things I want to do or should do. Overwhelmed again.

ADD keeps me inspired to try this or that. Overwhelmed.

If you’ve followed my blog you will see this theme often. I think I have a handle on it, and it seems for a few days, I got it. That’s when I realize other things got left behind that needed to be done.

Bite sized pieces. That’s how we Overed people are supposed to handle it. But I think we need to be satisfied with accomplishments. Thus my blog. I’m not bragging when I share what I’ve finished or been working on. I’m just listing my trying to not feel Overwhelmed.

How I feel inside. Rarely seen outside by others.