I’ve made very little progress on the afghan. But I finally got ONE no show Sneaker socks finished. TaDa!!!

One no show Sneaker Sock done.
Many lessons learned.

Starting with cast on. I over did the Turkish cast-on. The toe ended squarish.

The arch needed a few more rows of ribbing.

The heel part has been tinked so many times I was worried the yarn was splitting. Right now I’m retinking the second sock. Here’s why:

The pattern confused me. The YouTube wasn’t clear enough. And it was confusing.

I finally got the shadow wrap. But the next part made me separate the socks. No more Two At A Time. But I only have one long ChiaoGoo Red-lace Circular Needle in size 1. So I put one sock on DPNs. I could fold them up and keep the sock from fraying or straying.

That left one sock on the ChiaoGoos. That made the rest a little easier to understand. I’m still not sure I understand the shaping of the upper heel but it fits nicely.

The ribbing at the top of the sock was short and easy. But the cast offs the YouTube suggests makes no sense so I used my favorite one.

Here are the YouTube tutorials.

There are 4 parts in a knit-along situation.

The worst part is our Internet isn’t working properly. So watching anything streaming, even on my phone is painful. I had to miss my friends on Zoom today because of it. Ugh! They say it’ll be fixed by Sunday. I’m not holding my breath! Out here in the Oregon Outback it is a desert of everything.

Oh, well, back to tinking.