Tag Archive: #Finishing Friday

Finishing Friday

Readjusting an older pair to fit a friend better. Lots of tinking to get to this stage. Two more rows to tink then I need to find a good yarn for the heels and cuffs.
I think these will be mine. Another pair of crazy socks. The next row starts the heels, so the end is in sight.
Shooting the Curl is three/fourths done. I have to turn this upside down next as reaching up hurts.

I’m halfway through the new Sudoku book.

Hey, the part that is the hardest and happiest: I’m learning Imagine by John Lennon. I’m not very good but here’s how I’m learning it.

My fingers have developed calluses but that is bad for recorders because now it’s hard to tell if the little holes are closed tightly so I get more squeaky noises than I did before picking up the Uke. Ah, well, I’m having fun.

That’s not all but all I have energy to report.

Oh, my hair is growing and I’m adding messy bun hairpieces to my short ponytail.

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter V
#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter W

Viewing Shogun all day today was a valiant effort. We binged all ten episodes. So soon after reading (listening) the book, it was interesting to see how well it was interpreted. Now, on Monday, I should receive the older version with Richard Chamberlain. I advise if you can, to read the actual book first. I did in the 80s. But I wish I had read it more recently. But my vision isn’t good enough for the printed volume.

Meanwhile, I have a bunch of socks nearly finished. My hands have been hurting with the weather changes. So not a lot of progress on any of the projects. But here ya go:

Still working the arch.
Getting ready to do cuff and cast-off.
Another cuff and cast-off.
I’m trying to make sure the ukulele strap is extra long because of the curling of Tunisian Crochet.
Almost finished with the bottom fourth. Didn’t even work on it for two days. I miss when I don’t get to play with my diamond painting.

Now off to recorders and ukulele.

Finishing Friday

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter P
Didn’t get enough time yesterday so Pictures will lend a weight.
Almost finished with the bottom of what I’m calling, “Shooting the Curl.” Yes. Another beach diamond painting.
My mixed slipper socks are at the increases for the Fleegle Heel. I like the arch ribbing I learned on the no-show sneaker sock.
I seem obsessed with Sudoku. I’m already on 35 of the new book.
Said new book.
I’m finally on the decrease part of the Fleegle Heel of the cotton socks. These I’m testing the elastic thread to strengthen the heel. That thread is hard to work with.
These are slower but turning out nice.
My daughter is making a pair out of this yarn. It made me so excited I had to find this watermelon yarn. With seeds built in! I have to wait for the fine needles to be free. But I can’t wait to start!
I found Kindle books for my Ukulele and
For my recorders. Just for something new to fiddle around with.

None of my music pursuits are quiet.  But I need to get busy on them. So I have to quit writing.

And oops! There’s

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter Q

I start my morning watching shows and knitting. I want to pay attention to the show and knitting is a busy hands pay attention hobby, mostly.

Both pairs of socks seem to have landed at the arch ribbing at the same time. I hate it when that happens. I like when each pair are on separate levels.
Just as I was trying to take pics for today’s blog, Dear Sweet Old Rosey jumped on my lap. One is never finished loving one’s pets.
I’m gonna blow my own horn here. After YEARS of trying to learn Sudoku, I think I’m finally learning. I found this book at Dollar General.
I have managed to get to the Medium level with very few peeks at the answer page and then only to check if I was right. Yay! Me!
This is the book I’m nearly finished with. Okay, I’m not a kid. But I like to work from the very beginning with recognizable songs.
I’ve been working with these two for a while. I’m getting smoother in the cord changes.
This one I don’t have to look at any more. I’m fact, I should erase my cheat G7.
This is what I’m starting next. Learning strum patterns. I never needed such animals in piano.😂
So excited to get to learn Imagine with Bernadette’s strumming instructions.
Look! Lyrics!
And I’m learning to play individual notes. Yay!
Yeah, I’m still learning most of these chords
Another note by note I’m learning.
Speaking of Ukulele… I’m trying to Tunisian Crochet a strap for my uke. The trouble with Tunisian Crochet is how it rolls up.
It stretches out to the length of the uke. I need to double that. This should be interesting.
I’m almost finished with 1/3 of the beach diamond painting.
And as of today… I should be there on the blog but seemed to have published a lot after midnight too often.

And now it’s time to strum and recordize.

March First

Finally Floundering February bids us adieu. And right on the Mark March brings ideas to move forward.

A couple years ago my cousin sent me a tape recorder and asked me to write (record) my memoirs.

I chickened out. Plain and simple. But I did write my memories.  So here’s my idea (and I’m already a day late!) I will record, read aloud and edit the memories and edit as I go. I put it in NaNo as this month’s goal. I added my last Nano novel. Both books are 15k each. I plan to read aloud and edit that one, too.

I may have bit off more than I can chew. Maybe I’ll prioritize the memoir. No more Floundering, just get busy!

By the way, for those who tried,thanks for playing 😀

In other news we have winter starting now. Alaska is sending us a cold front.

Just as evening was descending. Cold but blue skies.
Yesterday morning. The sky was not that blue.
Blue than it actually was.
That’s more how I remember it.
Coming down. Cold and gray.

Meanwhile, for Finishing Friday:

This is a fun project. Haven’t touched the lighthouse.
Almost to the heels.
Still proceeding with learning the uke. I actually am needing the next book. I think my fingers are toughening up!

I finished The Mammoth Hunters but haven’t had the chance to write the review. I’m loving reading the series again.

It’s snowing again. It’s so pretty. I’m glad the rodent was wrong!

I so hoped I’d be finished today but my back started hurting so I had to quit. But look how close!

Just the fin and head of under turtle, and a tiny bit of sea.

And, so close on this pair of socks. Just the cuff. So, again, probably tomorrow.

I hope these are size 7.

Toes done, now ready for that comfy arch part.

These will be small. I hope to try the fishlip heel on these. I’m told it is easy. If not I’ll tink back and do the Fleegle Heel. It’s so easy.

While Diamond Painting I enjoyed zooming with friends or listening to The Mammoth Hunters. While knitting, I have been enjoying The Flight Attendant. (A comedy, thriller yeah, more thriller.)

Sans popcorn this time.

February must be fading away as the flounder doesn’t seem so large.

I bet fellow flounder thinks sea turtles fly!

Here’s that holey bendy bits and the rings bits. How do they fits?
Bendies at the top and bottom of the three chains. Ringies hook the top of the chains to the heart and another hooks the big gem at the bottom. Squeeze the hole parts onto the chain with pliers. Make sure they are on tight or you will be flustered and floundering and possibly throwing all the bits. Two suncatchers more to go. Enough frustration for this day!
Progress, mostly halfway finished

Real flounders entice sea turtles down to floor. The flounders are having a feast!

Another pair of slipper socks. I’m incorporating that nice stretchy arch I learned with the no-show socks.

I’m getting a little better with chording on the ukulele. I almost don’t have to look when changing from C to F to G7 and back to C all the while singing. Almost time for a new lesson. It’s supposed to be a 30 day course, but my soft, achy fingers needed more time. I’m still learning day 9 a couple weeks later.

The recorder comes and goes. Teaching myself and my fingers soprano, alto, and tenor. I can finally reach all notes on soprano and alto, though not consistently. I can barely get the top three holes of the tenor.

And. AND I CLEANED THE PIANO WELL SO IT WELCOMES ME! Maybe tomorrow I’ll actually play!!!!

A quick note. Door push-ups, floor to ceiling stretches, then more than 30 minutes or more than 5 miles on the stationary bike. All still happening. So some things are growing into habits. Others are still work. But a lot of flounder still happens. Ah, well, it’s February!

I finished these ages ago but never did the sealing or chaining them to the hooks and beads. So tonight I sealed side one. I think by Sunday I’ll have them ready to hang up.
I was able to last longer this time finishing the strip on the left side. This has a lot of color in it. Even the water is varied in its blues and greens.
I finally have a I, IV, and a V. Okay, I needed to do a quick note to myself as to how to do the G7 (V). But as I sing as I strum, I’m teaching myself to work with chords instead of each individual note (how I was taught all my life).
Here is the next batch of chords I’m working on. Yes, I cheated by adding my own I and IV chords.
On the recorder I’m playing with the G major scale and arpeggio, and that minuet. On piano both are easy but trying to be smooth with breath and fingers is the challenge.
This song has memories. I was learning it in voice class when my grandmother was dying. I hadn’t memorized the lyrics but by her hospital bed as she was nearing the end, my cousin asked me to sing a song. Here I floundered, all I could hear was The Ash Grove. But I couldn’t. I didn’t know the words. It’s quite beautiful and fitting for the situation. So I sang nothing. I did get to sing In The Garden at her funeral.            My work on this is to get smooth enough to record them to sing to.
I can play all the melody songs on my soprano recorder. But now I want to learn the harmonies and all the alto recorder parts. Again I hope to record and do duets with myself.
I found this pair of socks I’d started and somehow forgot. So I’m farther along in my family gift than I thought.
I’ve made a little progress here probably 3 more inches then start the heel.
One more inch and the arch gets made. I’m really enjoying these sneaker no-show socks. I nearly have the pattern memorized.
Rock on, Friday Night!

Just Jot It January, penultimate

That works for Finishing Friday. Except. Nothing is almost finished here. Nothing is that penultimate stitch from the last.

Oh! I’m one stage from mailing

It needs to be sealed.

The same with these light catchers (that have a hook ready for them.)

Well, these need to be chained together with the jewels to get hung up.

Closest to finished in knitting is:

Thigh high leg warmers are down to mid calf now. Only the thinner bits from calf to ankle left. I have no pattern for these. But doing them like I do socks. Two-At-A-Time. Just top down as there are no toes. My favorite needles, Chiaogoo red-laced cables.

The rest of the knitting is in the same amount of doneness.

On the other hand:

My ukulele tutorial says to chop off the left-hand nails for better chording. Done. I am hearing better sounds. No where near a song but several chords now.

For most of this week I’ve managed to beat my former 5 miles in 30 minutes biking goal. Not by much. The best of the week was 6 miles in 27 minutes. But it was a rare energy thing.

Penultimate is a word used often in music. That next to the last chord creating tension that resolves in the end.

I like that last bit. And without that penultimate chord the song would be boring. It’s one of my favorite words.

Because now I can breathe. The seventh to the resolve and the song can live out in the world and in my soul.

I just thought of something. The penultimate chord nags, “Are we there yet?” The final chord pulls into the parking spot. Boom!

Click these to learn more about #Just Jot It January and our prompt of the day from Judy’s Blog.

Finishing Friday

I can’t stand having empty needles when I have yarn for them. So a new pair of socks started. Two-At-A-Time, Chiaogoo red-laced cable needles. Toe done.
Mixing leftovers from Son’s and his special lady’s socks to make a crazy pair. Again, Two-At-A-Time Toe-up, Chiaogoo red-laced cable needles.
I still have a lot of this yarn left. The family seems to like the slipper socks made from this. Two-At-A-Time, Toe-up, Chiaogoo red-laced cable needles.
And the challenge. Leg-Warmers. 7 inches done. Only 20 more to go! Two-At-A-Time cuff down. I’ve never done these before, but I’m learning as I go. 🤗
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Welcome to my blog. I live, knit, crochet, spin and craft near the Northumbrian Coast (but not too near - the waves won't be splashing my yarn!).There's a story in every stitch, every grain of sand, every blade of grass. I thought I'd blog about it...