Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “pick a number.” Choose a number—any number—and write about it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Thanks, Linda!
Yarn vomit, again!

For the umpteenth time I’m ripping out the heel of this sock. This is a frustrating part of learning something new. I’ve not enjoyed needle knitted wrap and turns. ADD claims me and I lose my place. A LOT.

That was why I found the Fleegle Heel so helpful. It’s kind of funny, I enjoyed wrap and turns on the loom. But it was easy to see where I left off, most of the time.

This new method is a variation of the wrap and turn. It’s a Shadow Wrap. It does look nicer, almost disappearing into the fabric.

I’m looking forward to trying Fishlip socks. But I have to finish my No See Sneaker Socks first.

There’s a reason this is where my stream took me , for the umpteenth time. I’ll get it yet!🤪😂🤣