This is a part of the first panel I started on. It was my first try at Tunisian Crochet.
It goes on and on! See the wooden ball? I think that is only supposed to be at the end of the cord on the Tunisian Crochet hook’s cable. But I found this one moved. It is quite handy. The width of the panel is slightly wider than the end of the hook. That meant that a few stitches would get stuck on the cable part. Pushing that ball up tight to the hook keeps my stitches right there, so I didn’t have to work so hard.
… and the panel goes on. I’m aiming for 6′, and I need to make a matching panel to this one.
This is how the hook and little ball look.
This is the colorful middle panel that needs a lot more length. When I get to the only one loop, last stitch on a row, I will pull it out, put the stitch holder and the tension ring on that loop. Then I roll or now, fold it up and use the hook and cable to hold it all together. This hook is a Chiaogoo Tunisian Hook, and the little ball doesn’t move. But for this wider panel, it is better opened out because I am using most of that cable.
This is how I hold the yarn with the tension ring. I have one of those rings for each of the panels. It helps keep my hands from hurting while holding the tension within my fingers. It still hurts because this is all the same stitch and gets tiring, but the rings help a lot.