That works for Finishing Friday. Except. Nothing is almost finished here. Nothing is that penultimate stitch from the last.

Oh! I’m one stage from mailing

It needs to be sealed.

The same with these light catchers (that have a hook ready for them.)

Well, these need to be chained together with the jewels to get hung up.

Closest to finished in knitting is:

Thigh high leg warmers are down to mid calf now. Only the thinner bits from calf to ankle left. I have no pattern for these. But doing them like I do socks. Two-At-A-Time. Just top down as there are no toes. My favorite needles, Chiaogoo red-laced cables.

The rest of the knitting is in the same amount of doneness.

On the other hand:

My ukulele tutorial says to chop off the left-hand nails for better chording. Done. I am hearing better sounds. No where near a song but several chords now.

For most of this week I’ve managed to beat my former 5 miles in 30 minutes biking goal. Not by much. The best of the week was 6 miles in 27 minutes. But it was a rare energy thing.

Penultimate is a word used often in music. That next to the last chord creating tension that resolves in the end.

I like that last bit. And without that penultimate chord the song would be boring. It’s one of my favorite words.

Because now I can breathe. The seventh to the resolve and the song can live out in the world and in my soul.

I just thought of something. The penultimate chord nags, “Are we there yet?” The final chord pulls into the parking spot. Boom!

Click these to learn more about #Just Jot It January and our prompt of the day from Judy’s Blog.