Your prompt for #JusJoJan the 6th and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “just do it.” Use the phrase “just do it” somewhere in your post, or write a post in the spirit of the phrase. Enjoy!

Edit: I just realized I didn’t put this picture in here. Oops!😂
Oops! I left out the fun one, too. Sorry for the edits!

Sorry I don’t know who this guy is.  But I found this GIF on Tenor.

Sir, I’m waiting for traffic to slow. In LA or Orange County you sometimes have to take a chance. I did and lived without my broken car for a couple weeks. Yes, the driver saw me but plowed right into the side of my car. Traffic down there is brutal. Kindness is hard to find.

I’m waiting to see if it’s something I really want. Dangers abound. The high dive has no rails out on the board. People have slipped and become vegetables from hitting their heads on the way down. What benefit will climbing all those rings and walking out into space give me? Experiences. Yes, I did it a few times. I gave it up because it was cold outside of the water. Time wasted from actual swimming.

I’m overcoming the fear of tomatoes flying. Irrational, yes. But what else keeps me from the stage. Just do it? I’ll look like a complete fool. The purpose? Experiences. And I grew to love singing on stage. It felt fantastic to relate to that many people at a time.

On the other hand I found dealing with folks one-on-one far scarier and daily. Everyone wants to fix me. Am I not allowed to have frustration without someone jumping in and telling me I’m wrong? Can I not melt down in some kind of space of my own? Aw, but that is a different topic. Not having a place for just me is getting so frustrating. Is it any wonder I don’t just do it? I don’t feel safe enough to express.


Time to knit. My own world is soft and productive.

Not me. Chosen from the free photo library.