Garters and GargoylesGarters and Gargoyles by Nancy Warren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sarah Zimmerman’s narration is a bit off-putting. But after a while, you get used to her cadence and the smirk in her voice.

Once again, the yarn shop is where a batch of late-night knitters gather. These knitters just happen to be of the vampire variety.

My biggest problem with this book is that by now, Lucy, the store owner, who inherited, sort of, from her grandmother, who is now a part of the night shift yarning club. Lucy is still just knitting scarves and having a hard time. With all that help, she should be much farther along in her abilities. I wish I had that many teachers helping me figure out how to deal with the dropped stitches or tangled mess a distracted mind can create.

That’s not much of a problem in the long run. Lucy is learning to be a proper witch and trying to be a good person. So I shouldn’t complain. The rest of the story is fun. And the cozy mystery wrapped up in yarn pulls you in.

I love this series, and I already have the next book lined up for when I have a few moments to take a bite with my needles clicking.

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Linda’s JJiJ and John’s Prompt . Thank you both! Go check out their blogs!!!!