A while back I made the suncatchers. It was fun to sit in my recliner and save my back. So I picked up the bag  to hold smaller projects.


I have the lighthouse project and a lightpad in it near my chair.

It was nice that this little picture came with a separate key to the symbols.
It came with little baggies, pen, tray and wax, and tweezers.
I set up my containers. The picture is in that little cylinder.

I started today. I’m not very adapted to working like this.  The symbols are harder to work with than numbers and letters. I forgot to take a picture as I ran out of energy. Just know the picture is about two hands’width and one hand in height. So, tiny. It may be fast or a pain. We’ll see. So far the top right of the sky has happened.

Tomorrow I’ll straighten and seal the sea turtles. It is easier to work at the dedicated table than my recliner, so far. I know there are a lot of people who work from their beds. I find myself floundering around trying to keep neat and tidy. I don’t like scattering drills, that’s what the diamonds are called.

ADD means many projects. Keeping those separate and easy to get to is a struggle. ALWAYS!

How do you all keep your hobbies contained?