A Poisonous Review (Vampire Book Club, #4)A Poisonous Review by Nancy Warren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’ve gotten so behind on my reviews, so this will be short as I barely remember it. Look, it isn’t a boring or bad book. It is perfect for when you don’t want to read something heavy—a beach read, maybe.

Hollis McCarthy (Narrator) lends her skill to the fun writing.

Leprechauns are a new addition to these gentle paranormal reads. Between ghosts of ancestors and the vampire book club, this witch has another cozy (read that ‘murder’) mystery to solve. It sounds silly, but the story reads well for young adults. It is not scary or juvenile. Just a nice bedtime read.

As of this moment, I am reading the next in the series. They are all fun.

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