Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “sum.” Use the letters “sum” in a word in your post or use the word “sum.” Enjoy!

Summer used to be my favorite season. To sum it up: swimming. I would be in the water 24/7 if I could. From the time of my first lesson, I think I was 11 or 12, I knew my inner spirit was a mermaid.

I challenged myself to swim from one end of the pool to the other in one breath.

Though I took the diving challenges, low board or high, I hated the time it took me out of the water. Although overcoming my fear of heights was tough, once mastered, I gave it up to be in the pool.

In seventh grade I was able to take lifesaving and be a part of a swim team. I didn’t get to finish the course. Nor did I get to continue the competitions. I suffered a severe case of swimmer’s ear that put me to bed the rest of the summer. It wasn’t the earache that caused the most pain. I cried daily for what I was missing. I’ve since learned how to keep my ears dry between swims.

Summer also meant camp and camping. Every year my folks took the family on 3-week vacations. To save money it was always camping. Our favorite system was to go to Sequoia, Yosemite, and Bass Lake. Swimming in the lakes made me happy.

As a teen, Sunshine Superman played as we had many trips to the beach.

I found I loved the beach as much as the pool. Salt water. Sand. Bodysurfing. It became my favorite spot. But laps are too long in the ocean! And swimming under water wasn’t as much fun.

Living in the small community with no pools has been hard. Beaches are too far away. It is Lake County but we’ve yet to see the lakes. And they seem more for fishing than swimming. The one I plan to investigate this summer is actually a reservoir. But we’re told there are leeches. Ugh!

Another sad issue with summer now is the fires. Breathing becomes an issue.

But this summer is starting with the possibility of a really fun road trip. And maybe a swim? Our fears are fires and or snow. I know! But tonight we have to drip. A freeze. June!!!

But I plan on challenging summer this year. Please bring water and fresh air!